Class Descriptions

Ages 2.5 - 5
Tiny Tots I
Our Tiny Tots I class introduces young movers to basic coordination exercises, stretching and flexibility development and music appreciation. Faculty and their assistants introduce basic ballet principles, musicality and social skills in a variety of fun and exploratory ways. Memory skills and teamwork concepts are developed in an enjoyable community building way as we share with them all the pleasures of dance.
Tiny Tots II
All of the elements of the Tiny Tots I program are reinforced as students are introduced to tap and musical rhythm patterns in Tiny Tots II. With a creative and nurturing environment, our Tiny Tots 2 class is conducted with a more structured class format, preparing the student for our children’s program.
Tot Hop
Is your little one bouncing around with his/her best moves every time there is music on? Tot hop is a perfect class for those little movers who want to get out there and dance! A basic introduction to hip hop with age appropriate music and moves.
Ages 5 - 8
Elementary Combination Classes, Levels I & II
Combination Programs are designed to introduce and develop formal dance training in a fun and dynamic way. Level classes consist of 30 minutes each of Ballet, Jazz and Tap techniques. All students are required to take ballet. Combination classes ensure a well-rounded preparatory dance education. Level I is for children ages 5-7. Level II is for children ages 7-9.
Acro/Hip Hop I
Our Acro/ Hip Hop I class is designed for students who are looking for a creative introduction to dance. This class will begin with working on Acrobatic skills based on the Acrobatic Arts Teacher Certification Program that increase strength and flexibility, as well as body awareness, coordination and control, and end with Hip Hop which develops their own personal expression through movement.
Lyrical I
Lyrical dance is a combination of ballet and jazz dance that often uses music with lyrics to inspire the movements of the dancer. Choreographers use the lyrics from the song to inspire the dance and the result is a style that focuses on strong emotion as well as a more individual approach than some dance styles. It is also a very precise dance with the dancer’s movements portraying the emotion and story of the song. Lots of different types of music are used for lyrical dance including pop, rock and blues as well as hip-hop and music from around the world.
Ages 9-12
Child Ballet
Our Children’s Ballet class is an advanced beginner level dedicated to impart the fundamentals of classical ballet. We begin with stretches specific to strengthening the feet and ankles. Students will work at the ballet barre to focus on technique through stretch and strengthening exercises. Dancers will be encouraged to work on increased French ballet terminology, turnout, understanding the correct alignment and body placement. The class progresses to incorporate center work, as well as ballet progressions that include turning and grande allegro.
Child Tap
Children’s Tap class is an intermediate level class that has an emphasis on developing proper tap technique, producing clear tap sounds, and having fun! Dancers will develop rhythm, style and sound, as they learn a variety of tap styles from Broadway to Rhythm tap.
Child Jazz
Our Children’s Jazz class consists of a warm-up to enhance core strengthening, balance, and flexibility through isolations, rhythmic exercises and floor stretches. The class then uses progressions and choreography to develop the students movement vocabulary as well as technique and musicality.
Child Modern
Our Children’s Modern class introduces the characteristics of different classical Modern dance styles. These classes focus on introducing contractions, spirals, floor work, and concepts of space, time and force. Dancers work on developing technical proficiency, musicality, rhythmic accuracy, improvisation and movement composition.
Lyrical II
Lyrical dance is a combination of ballet and jazz dance that often uses music with lyrics to inspire the movements of the dancer. Choreographers use the lyrics from the song to inspire the dance and the result is a style that focuses on strong emotion as well as a more individual approach than some dance styles. It is also a very precise dance with the dancer’s movements portraying the emotion and story of the song. Lots of different types of music are used for lyrical dance including pop, rock and blues as well as hip-hop and music from around the world.
Hip Hop II
Class is designed for students who are looking to progress their Hip Hop skills, style and footwork. This class will begin with a center warm-up, coordination and control progressions across the floor, and end with Hip Hop combination which develops their own personal expression through movement.
Acro II
This class is designed for students to work on Acrobatic skills that include Pre-Splits, Beat handstand, Bridge with kick/jump, Bridge with stacked mat, Bridge from standing, Straddle roll, Cartwheel with correct finish, Round Off, Teddy Bear stand, etc.
Teen Program Ages 13+
Teen Ballet I
Our Teen Ballet I class is an intermediate level class dedicated to imparting the art of classical ballet. We begin with stretches specific to strengthening the feet and ankles. The class progresses from the ballet barre to incorporate center work, as well as ballet progressions that include turning and grande allegro. Dancers will be encouraged to work on increased French ballet terminology, turnout, understanding the correct alignment and body placement.
Teen Ballet II
Our Teen Ballet II class is an intermediate/advanced level dedicated to the art of classical ballet. Students will work at the ballet barre to focus on technique through stretch and strengthening exercises. Attention is paid to the proper extension of the legs and shape of the feet, developing movement sequences, fluidity of port de bras, balance, as well as the intricacies of small and large jumps.
Teen Ballet III with Pointe
Our Teen Ballet III class is for our advanced Ballet dancers, students who take this class must also take an additional ballet class. First year pointe students will start slowly at the barre and will gradually move to center work on two feet. Building strength and establishing proper placement on pointe are the key goals in this class. It will consist of a Classical Ballet barre warm up focusing on proper body alignment and articulation, followed by across-the floor which focuses on turns, pirouettes, bourree, pas de polka and adagio combinations.
Teen Tap
Teen Tap class is an advanced level class that enables students to use their advanced tap vocabulary to work on musicality, coordination, and speed of movement.
Teen Jazz
Our Jazz class begins with a warm-up and stretches designed to increase flexibility and strengthen the core. We work through progressions across the floor that are designed to increase athleticism, challenge dancers through weight & direction changes, and increase musicality. The class focuses on a broad spectrum of Jazz dance styles from Commercial Jazz to Broadway.
Teen Jazz II
Our Teen Jazz class is an advance level class that begins with a warm-up and stretches designed to increase flexibility and strengthen the core. We work through progressions across the floor that are designed to increase athleticism, challenge dancers through weight & direction changes, and increase musicality. The class focuses on a broad spectrum of Jazz dance styles from Commercial Jazz to Broadway.
Teen Modern
Our Teen Modern class focuses on execution of technique while at the same time adding the aspect of performance and the development of quality of movement that characterizes the different classical Modern dance styles. These classes focus on contractions, spirals, floor work, and concepts of space, time and force developing technical proficiency, musicality, rhythmic accuracy, improvisation and movement composition. Our modern classes are based mostly on the Horton and Graham techniques with an emphasis on physical and athletic movement.
Teen Acro
Our Teen Acro and Conditioning is designed for students who want to enhance their dancing with Acrobatic skills that increase strength and flexibility, and well as body awareness, coordination and control.
This class is designed for students who should be able to demonstrate a cartwheel on both sides as well as a round off. Skills of focus include: Splits, Bridge with kicks (right and left), Backbend without a spot, Bridge kickover, Handstand to forward roll, One-handed cartwheel, Backward roll, V-sit for 30 seconds, Plank Hold for 40 seconds, Tuck headstand, Bridge with straight arms and legs, Dive roll and Front Limber. *This class does not participate in the recital.
Teen Contemporary
Teen Contemporary class pushes our teens to incorporate all of their techniques, including ballet, jazz, and modern, to establish fluidity of movement, connecting mind and body, as well as challenge their creativity and self-interpretation of music.
Teen Hip Hop (Levels I, II & III)
Our Teen Hip Hop class is an intermediate/advanced level that requires high-energy infusing the latest styles of street dancing, breaking, popping and locking, as well as commercial dance. Classes will encourage students to step outside of the box by bringing their own individual style and personality to the movements.
Intensive Training Programs
Advanced pre-professional programs designed for students who choose dance as their primary extra-curricular activity. In addition to our all-studio end of the year production, Intensive Study students also perform in a winter concert as well as a number of community performance opportunities. Dancer’s age may vary for each level in our different studio locations, please call the office to inquire and set up an “audition” time.
Petite Intensive (Ages 7-9)
Our Petite Intensive Program is for our advanced-beginner students who have found an early love for dance. It is the first step of our intensive study program consisting of two to four hours of weekly studies in ballet, jazz and tap. Supplemental studies such as modern, hip hop, Irish step and Acro are available as options to be incorporated into a students program.
Junior Intensive (Ages 9-12)
Our Junior Intensive program consists of four to six hours of weekly studies in ballet, modern, jazz, contemporary, improvisation, pedagogy and dance history. Optional classes include hip hop, Irish step, Acro and/or others. We focus on the foundations of dance, terminology, technique, progressions and combinations at an Intermediate Level. The Intensive training programs are designed for students who are interested in focusing on the art of dance as their primary extracurricular activity throughout the school year.
Intermediate Intensive (Ages 13-15)
Our Intermediate Intensive program consists of four to 6+ hours of weekly studies in ballet, modern, jazz, hip hop, contemporary, improvisation, pedagogy and dance history. Optional classes include Irish step, Acro and/or others. We focus on the foundations of dance, terminology, technique, progressions and combinations at an Intermediate Level. The Intensive training programs are designed for students who are interested in focusing on the art of dance as their primary extracurricular activity throughout the school year.
Senior Intensive (Ages 15-18)
The Senior Intensive program consists of four to 8+ hours of weekly studies in ballet, modern, jazz, hip hop, contemporary, improvisation, pedagogy and dance history. Optional classes include Irish step, Acro and/or others. We focus on the foundations of dance, terminology, technique, progressions and combinations at an Intermediate Level. The Intensive training programs are designed for students who are interested in focusing on the art of dance at an advanced level.